As a thought leader in sustainable fashion, I value the opportunity to contribute my perspectives, insights, and experiences across the industry. This content reflects pieces and outlets I’ve been featured in and authored articles.
Ending Forced Labor: An Opportunity to Advocate
Learning about the issue of human trafficking can be daunting, but there are many resources to grow your awareness and take corresponding action.
How to Be a More Eco-Conscious Parent
Eco-conscious living can teach children how to analyze the impact of every day, small choices that we all make.
Five Tips for Minimalist Parenting of Young Children
Eco-conscious living can teach children how to analyze the impact of every day, small choices that we all make.
Minimalist, Conscious Parenting: 5 Ways It Works for Me
How to incorporate minimalist and eco-conscious values as a parent in a country where childhood is often filled with lots and lots of stuff.
When the Color of Your Jeans Promotes Exploitation
For thousands of years, indigo symbolized both political power and religious ritual. But the history of indigo, and the cotton fabric it dyes, is anything but pretty.